
Southern Belize: The Best Destination to Fly Fish for a Grand Slam

Southern Belize: The Best Destination to Fly Fish for a Grand Slam

According to the International Gamefish Association (IGFA), “A “Grand Slam” is defined by an individual angler catching at least three of the eligible species within a category (shown below), per IGFA International Angling Rules. All catches must be made within one calendar day, and all past and present catches are eligible, provided they are properly documented.

Guide to Bonefishing in Belize

Guide to Bonefishing in Belize

Having a reef that spans the whole coastline of Belize, let’s just say there is plenty of fish habitat. It is a true saltwater angler’s paradise. One of the most common game fish to target on the fly in Belize is the bonefish. Also called the “ghost of the flats,” this species can be tricky at times but for the most part, a well-presented fly will always result in a hookup. Don’t underestimate the power of these fish either, once you have them on it’s common that they will take you to the backing.